Urology Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Urology is a branch of medicine that deals with the diseases of the urinary tract and reproductive organs. These organs include the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. Urologists also specialize in male reproductive organs. They can diagnose, treat, and sometimes even perform surgeries on these organs.
Urology symptoms can be confusing. Some are related to the general health of the body, but others are caused by specific conditions. Luckily, there are some signs that Dr Paul Manohar can help you identify urological problems. Here are some common ones. If you’re not sure what you’re experiencing, consult a doctor or nurse.
Pain or burning during urination is one of the most common signs of urological disease. This can either be caused by a bacterial infection or a stone in the bladder. Your doctor will likely order a urine test to determine the cause. If the pain is severe enough, you may also need to undergo a uroflow study.
Diagnosis in urology is a critical part of patient care. Before making any recommendations, a urologist will gather a full medical history. This history will not only include the urological system, but also other parts of the body. In some cases, the urologist will need to check on certain conditions, such as disease of other organs or the prostate gland. Urologists may use ultrasounds and other imaging methods to help make a diagnosis. Computerized tomography (CT) scans are also common to help a urologist determine what is wrong with a patient’s body.
Diagnosis in urology involves the proper coordination of the urinary tract. The physician will conduct several tests, including blood tests and urine collections, to determine the underlying cause of a patient’s symptoms. The results of these tests may lead to further monitoring and care, or surgery.
Urology treatment deals with conditions affecting the urinary tract in both males and females. Doctors in this field specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of urological disorders. For instance, patients suffering from BPH, or enlarged prostate, often have problems with emptying their bladders. Symptoms of BPH include a weak stream during urination, and trouble stopping a stream once it starts. Treatment options for this condition include medication and surgery.
The first step in urology treatment is to record a thorough medical history. Urologists are interested in the health of their patients and will consider all the different systems in the body. If there are problems in other parts of the body, your urologist may be able to rule out more serious medical conditions. This medical specialist will also ask about all of the medications you currently take. This includes prescription and over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and supplements.
Urology subspecialties are medical disciplines that specialize in certain aspects of urology. These specialists are certified by the American Board of Medical Specialties. These physicians meet certain requirements to become subspecialty certified, including the need to have a distinct area of knowledge and to complete an accredited fellowship. Two subspecialties of urology currently have ACGME-accredited fellowships.
Pediatric urology is a specialty in which physicians treat pediatric urological conditions. These conditions may include cryptorchidism, underdeveloped genitalia, or delayed puberty. In addition to treating these conditions, pediatric urology also treats problems unique to men.